Groundswell Technologies, Inc

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Water Sustainability Platform (WSP):
To address the pressing water supply crisis, GT partnered with University of California Santa Barbara researchers and Abbaroo to generate our Water Sustainability Platform (WSP). WSP is an automated web based platform that merges groundwater level sensors, streamflow gauges, and groundwater extraction meter data with Game Theory and Classical Hydraulic Theory. WSP is designed to rapidly and automatically answer critical questions that are essential for achieving sustainability. For instance, WSP helps water resource managers determine the maximum sustainable groundwater extraction rate for any well in a network to prevent the following during constantly changing conditions:
  • Basin Overdraft
  • Stream Depletion
  • Seawater Intrusion
    Contact Groundswell for additional information.
    WSP Output Images. Various output options for rapidly determining maximum sustainable groundwater extraction rates and predicted date of unsustainability are displayed above. These types of analyses have the potential to dramatically change how groundwater is managed, and to save regions and nations from economic and environmental disaster.
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